Thursday, May 19, 2011

I hate being annoyed! Wait...I'm not anymore!

This picture is a pretty adequate description of how I feel today! Who wouldn't want to have Melon Peel helmet on their head? And the color... impeccable. It will go with everything! But his face... ANNOYED! I don't know. I think it is part mental exhaustion, and part confusion! There is sooo much floating around in my head right now, and I am not sure that I am handling it well. I mean, my handling things poorly is still handling them well compared to most, so I guess there is no right to complain but sheesh!

I got off work late last night for a shift that I picked up for a friend and co-worker. Turned out to be more then worth it cause I made some much needed money that I didn't have before! But at the same time it was taking away from a night I needed to catch up on some things... like editing videos! I know everyone is waiting for the 3rd installment of the Fit Vlog with baited breath! ;) And there are a plethera of other things that need to be taken care of:
yard work, finishing cleaning, laundry, and making sure everything is ready for my trip to LA as well as the 4 more shoots I have before I leave in 2 weeks! And in all that I need to try to work out and fix this hernia.
Most are really good things, but there is still an element of annoyance that I never seem to be able to get anything done. Of course, I am getting a lot done, but to me it doesnt feel like it.

So as most of my days do, I start out annoyed, and by the end of it... I feel great! I am in a good mood, not nearly annoyed as I should be, and pretty much feeling good!

I woke up, tried to get some yard work done, when I realize that the belt for the power steering is out. Awesome! I get the front yard done and part of the back and have to stop to go get a body wrap done!

There is something miraculous about doing things that are good for you that just have the ability to immediately remove some of the stress from your mind. It is incredible. Things that you were pissed about before, suddenly you can't remember why you were pissed in the 1st place. My theory is that stress is toxic, and produces itself as toxins and nastiness crumming up your body so, when you do a hot power yoga and sweat, or you go into a steam room after a good workout, or you ride a bike out in the fresh air, get a body wrap done.... all of these things cause you to detox, and all of them are natural without any pills or vitamins.  I love to cleanse and detox, so I am in NO WAY bashing a natural herbal cleanse or detox program. I think they are extraordinarily helpful in making sure everything works properly (and I think you know what I mean). *Chuckles to self*

Other added benefits to a body wrap are:
*Cleasnse body of toxins and impurities
*Treats unsightly Cellulite
*No pills or Shots
*Tightens and tones your body
*Conditions and softens skin
*Slimming and Contouring effect
*Rejuvinates and revitalizes
*Fantastic for Psoriasis
*Firms up sagging skin

And.... in addition to all of that, the average person loses between 5 and 15 inches all over in just one visit! This is obviously determined on how much you have to lose, but the results are undeniable and completely painless. Most places also offer other types of treatments to help with problem areas and more moderate concerns, like Dry Skin Brushing! Don't know what that is... well good, cause I am going to save it for another blog! ;)

The place that I went is called Body Wraps by Daphne, and it is located on the North Side of Dallas. I will add their information at the bottom, and they took amazing care of me! I found a coupon on Living Social, and she mentioned that they also do a Groupon. (Will look for a link and include with their info!)

Body Wraps by Daphne
2351 W Northwest Hwy Ste 1305
Dallas, Tx 75220


So, if you are interested in detoxing yourself of all the sins you commit and poison you willingly put inside your body(and no judgment here cause the shit is fun), want to feel better and lose some inches in the meantime... BODY WRAPS are a good way to go. The results aren't permanent, but I will go into more in my next blog. I will also let you know my results as well, and how many inches I lost (w/pictures...eeek!), and I think you might be surprised! Please if you contact Daphne and decide to do a treatment, let her know that Jessica Lee sent you, and you saw it on her blog. Until then...

I am working on editing  the FitVlog, and will be starting to go into more detail about my diet, and the things that I am doing to ween the amazing results I have gotten, AND there are a bunch of new and exciting things coming up........... PUMPED TO TELL YOU!!!!

Have a great rest of the week guys!

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