Monday, May 9, 2011

Honey Badger Don't Give a $h^t!

March 2, 10

..."I am really hoping that this March, 2010 is going to be a bug one. You know the life changing kind. I have big plans, and big dreams and I am hoping that with a little persistence that the fruits of all of my labor will start to be evident. We shall see. Here it is, the 2ND of the month, and rent can't be paid... AGAIN. But this is my last month in this apartment and I am hoping that they are lenient with me. I have been searching for a house to rent that will be cheaper than the rent here, and more conveniently located to my son's school. This has been easier than I thought, but also very tedious. There was a lot more out there than I ever anticipated, so my options are there, but at the end of the day I may just need to settle into something that will work, so that I can be smart with my money.

The last thing that I want to do is bury myself in debt, but I may not have a choice. After doing the math of everything that I need to have done by the end of this month, I am going to need close to $5,000. That is a lot of money. And I don't have it.... of course! So here I am eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on stale bread, and canned soup and tuna to make it through. It has come down to a debate between buying gas and milk. No wonder I look like I have aged 5 years in the last 6 months! The stress is killing me, not to mention making me sick. I have been ill with something for the last 3 weeks, and it doesn't seem to be improving. But I have no health insurance and can't afford the medicine even if I spent the money to go to the doctor. It is a twisted web we weave. But I keep thinking of the end result of all of this. Hopefully, if all stays on track, my book will be released by April 1st @ the latest. My Mary Kay business will start to take off and help to supplement my income a bit, and allow me to have a little cushion for times like these. My rent will be lower, and I will be spending less money on gas from commuting. I will be raking in the big bucks at the new bar, and all of my money problems will be solved, so that I won't have to work harder, and be able to work smarter!

That is my goal for March. Do EVERYTHING that I possibly can so that this is the LAST month I will have to work like this. It will be the last month that I don't see my kid when I want to, and the LAST time that I let anyone tell me that I should give up and do something that I don't like so that I can bring home a paycheck every week. No, this March will be madness, and I will hate every minute of it, but come April, it will be awesome.

I realize now that the life that I have is still a life. It might suck from time to time, but I am breathing. And even though my breathing may be panting from all the running around I am doing, it is still fantastic that I still find the time and energy, and motivation to get up and do it anyway."...

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