Monday, May 9, 2011

Connecting my blogs.....

Hey guys... for those of you who don't know me, this is my blog. I am going to post the original 1st blog entry and mission statement from my blog 2 years ago.... and will continue to add the things from that blog and the "Seesters Blog" as well.... then it will all live happily, and cohesively in ONE place, so that I can not have to sign in 15 times a day to do the same thing over and over again!

".........Well hey!!!

My name is Jessica. I grew up in the suburbs outside of Dallas, TX. I still live there, which seems kind of lame, but I have an amazing reason... my little man. Tyler is 4 now, and there is nothing more interesting than watching this little thing that you created grow and learn. It still trips me out everyday! But there is a lot more to being a mom than some people think; even more when you are doing it before you were ready!

In an ideal world we would all have babies when we are married and happy, and have careers and houses with yards and little picket fences. I think we can all say that the odds of this actually happening are slim to none. For the few that are lucky enough to have it happen, I doubt this blog is for you. This is for the ones of us who weren't so fortunate to talk about the nitty-gritty of being a young parent, single or otherwise, divorce and/or baby daddy or mama drama, and how to be yourself and accomplish all the things that you ever dreamed WHILE having a child. This is how to continue to work towards the little house with the picket fence even if it takes working doubles everyday for 10 years.

There are some people who may think I am not qualified to give advice, and they may be right, but I am not sitting here claiming to be a doctor and telling people which prescriptions to take to cure an illness. I am simply trying to be someone that understands where the hell you are coming from. I ma not going to think you are just bitching and moaning, because I have been there, and sometimes you just need someone to tell you that it is OK.

This blog is not going to be PC (politically correct) but real, and raw, the way that life actually is. I am always going to answer questions to the best of my abilities and I will answer questions about anything; sex, relationships, parenting, how to be amicable with your ex, and ideas for making more money and planning for your future. I am no expert, but i can offer you some out of the box ideas that you can take or leave, but at least you are trying to test all waters before you settle for a life that you didn't plan for yourself. Take control... I will just hand you the reins."......

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