Monday, May 16, 2011

I am my own doctor??

Can I heal myself???? THAT is my new question.... and I hope the answer is YES!

A few things that have happened today that I feel pretty good about, and am interested to see what happens with them...

1. I have a hernia. It sucks. At first it was just a little tender and didn't really hurt so I wasn't concerned... all that much. But as a precaution, I stopped working out. SUCKY! I had made a lot of really good progress and had some tremendous results, and then had to stop which threw me and my new routine completely for a loop! BUT, I met this lady who said that she HAD a hernia and she healed it herself, and had recommended it to others who claim that they were able to wein the same results from the simple use of ALOE! 100% pure aloe juice. I had never even thought of it. Here is a website that lists all of the benefits if you are interested...
of course, simply google-ing it works too and they all say the same thing! You will reap almost immediate hair, skin and nail benefits. Helps with detoxifying your system, and there are lots of digestive and stomach benefits as well. AND has been shown to help in the treatment of some fatal illnesses like cancer! SO, wither way, I think it is safe to say that it is beneficial for me to take it. Even if it just helps with my puny little nails, that will not stop peeling, and irritating the PISS out of me.

2.Cassy, my roomie, and Seester, is talking about going into the military. In most instances I would be hesitant, and wary of allowing someone to jump right into that, BUT for some reason I agree that this MAY be her best option. It is disciplined, and stable and would teach her a skill, and allow her to go back to school, and hopefully get her life back on track. It is the first super logical thing she has said to me about her future in a while. Scary, but logical. We will see how that turns out, but I thought it was interesting!

3. Today I had a Parent/Teacher conference with my ex at my son's school. I am always afraid of these things because I know exactly what is going to happen.... My ex will play this little innocent angel and appear to be the best person IN THE WORLD, and try to make me seem unstable and then I will get defensive and we will start pointing the finger at eachother, and pass the blame around like a hot potato. This poor teacher had to listen to us yell and bicker for like 45 min, and I honestly think we should have paid her for her time. So we accomplish nothing at this meeting and then proceed to get into the car so he can drop me back off and we start at is again....... yelling, cursing, and blaming one another... and then something miraculous happened! I yelled, "STOP!" really loud, and we did. And then we parked the truck and had an actual conversation. We actually resolved some things, and for the first time in a LONG time I think we are on the same page. It was weird.... and though I am going to do my best to maintain it, I am still going to take advantage of this window that I have and work as many things out as possible.

4. Giving myself a mani/pedi is simply JUST not the same, but I am going to do it cause mama is BROKE and needs her nails tended to! lol.... Talk to you guys soon!!!1

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