Sunday, January 29, 2012

What would have been written in my journal tonight...

Something happened tonight... and when it happened I felt like my entire world came crashing down around me. About this time of night I usually write in my journal, but I decided that I would share this with you guys instead. I don't know, maybe just to vent, or maybe because I am hoping that there are some of you who relate and maybe we can help each other find some resolution.

As many of you know, I am from Dallas, TX and have lived there my whole life. All of my family is there and everything I have ever known resides there as well. I have had the pleasure of traveling quite a bit, but have never called another place home. Until NOW. I moved to Los Angeles, CA almost 3 months ago to follow my dreams and ultimately make a better life for me and my son, but that required making the ultimate sacrifice. I had to do what was best for Tyler and leave him in Dallas with everyone and everything he knows and loves, and loves him back. It is the right thing to do, but it has been torture. 

I have only been able to see him once since I moved. I went back home for his birthday, per his request, but financially haven't had the resources to make it back again. I try to talk to him almost everyday, or as often as I can, Skype when he is available, and keep in close contact so he doesn't feel like I am so far away. It is still hard though. There are so many things that I am missing, and can't be there for. And even though I have been called selfish, and told that I made the wrong decision moving out here and leaving my child, I genuinely feel like it is going to make it possible to provide a better life for him in the long run. And I believe that with all my heart. How could I ever tell him to follow his dreams and do everything he ever wanted if I hadn't done the same thing. I am his Mom... I HAVE to lead by example... it's my job.

So tonight, my phone rang, and it was my ex husband, which is not a call I usually look forward to, but this was especially late for him to be calling. So I answered, and he tells me that Ty has an ear infection and asked him to call me so that he could tell me what was wrong. Ty got on the phone and sounded completely pitiful. He told me that his ear was killing him. I asked him if he had taken any medicine, and as he went to answer he hiccuped and it made his ear pop which sent him into a frenzy. He started bawling and screaming, "I want my Mommy. Tell her to come get me so I can feel better. It hurts so bad. Please Mommy. I need you. Come get me!" Every ounce of air left my lungs, I was immediately paralyzed and my heart completely stopped. I have never felt so helpless.

It honestly makes me feel like the worst parent in the world. I know deep down in my heart that I am doing the right thing, and that in the LONG RUN things will work out the way that they are supposed to and I will be able to give him such a better life that I was able to in Dallas. But I can't help but feel terrible. He was hurting, and crying for me, and I wasn't able to be there for him. How do you explain that to a 6 year old? How do you make them understand something like that? 

The only thing I can think to do, is use moments like these at motivation. Make sure that this is as temporary of a problem as possible, and change my life and his life sooner, rather than later. I need to make sure that he sees that there are moments when things are hard, but struggling through them makes the sweet moments sweeter and the prize at the end mean just that much more. I refuse to fail... it is not an option. 


Friday, January 27, 2012

What To Eat Wednesdays: Healthy Sliders!!

What To Eat Wednesdays:

Every week there will be a new recipe that adheres to the following 5 guidelines:
1. Easy
2. Healthy
3. Delicious
4. Inexpensive
5. Under 500 calories/ serving

I will also include alterations for specialty diets (upon request):
-Vegetarian, Vegan and Gluten Free options.


Prep Time: 10 min
Cook time: 15 min
Total cost: $12.65 + tax
Makes 8 servings! 

 1.25 lbs of ground turkey
1/2 of an onion (chopped)
Roma tomatoes
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1/2 cup shredded Kraft Fat Free Cheddar Cheese
1 avocado
Sara Lee soft & smooth mini buns
salt and pepper (or favorite seasoning blend) to taste

 Place meat, chopped onions and chopped cilantro to a large bowl. Knead until mixed well, but not over handling.  Add salt & pepper or your favorite seasoning blend. Could also add minced garlic if you like.

 If you like cheese on your burgers, then you don't have to skip on it. Put in 1/2 cup of Kraft Fat Free shredded Cheddar Cheese. And mix into the meat mix. 

Heat a large skillet on med/high heat and spray with non-stick spray.

 Divide meat into small patties (~2" in diameter) and place into hot pan. Sear on both sides (~ 5 min per side). 

Once the burgers are almost finished cooking, heat another pan on low/simmer heat to toast buns. Lower hear on the burgers to low and cover for 5 min to make sure they are cooked all the way through, and the cheese is melted.

While the burgers are finishing, dress the buns. I used a little bit of regular mustard, baby spinach leaves, slices of roma tomatoes (they are smaller and fir the bun), and a slice of avocado on each one. (1/4 of an avocado total).
The avocado is optional but works well with the cilantro.

Cut one to make sure it is cooked all the way through and that the cheese is melted!

Place the cooked burger on the lower bun and secure top with a toothpick.

The sauces I paired with them are Sriracha Ketchup and Fat Free Horsey Ranch. (Recipes Below)

Take a big bite and ENJOY!!!

Now these burgers came out really thick, but were soooo juicy and flavorful! They had a lot of texture as well, and I was completely stuffed on these 2 baby burgers!

Nutrition Facts:
Burger Patties (serv size: 1 patty)
117.5 Calories
5g Fat
.5g Carbs
15.5g Protein

Buns (serv size: 1 bun)
90 Calories
1g Fat
18g Carbs
3g Protein

Total- 1 burger, w/bun and cheese
207 Calories
6g Fat
18.5g Carbs
18.5g Protein

Sriracha Ketchup 
*mix 1.5 tbsp regular fancy ketchup with .5 tsp of sriracha. This can be to taste. I like it spicy.
15 Calories, 0g Fat, 4.8g Carbs, .3g Protein (~2tbsp)

Fat Free Horsey Sauce
*mix 1.5 tbsp Fat Free Ranch with .5 tsp of Kraft Horseradish sauce (or just ground horseradish)
40 Calories, .5g Fat, 6.5g Carbs, .5g Protein (~2tbsp)

~25 Calories, 3.5g Fat, 2g Carbs, 1g Protein

Total Nutritional Value on this whole meal is: (as pictured)

494 Calories, 10g Fat, 31.8g Carbs, 20.3g Protein

I am constantly looking for requests on either a previous meal I have cooked or one you would just like me to try. Or I am ALWAYS up for a CHALLENGE. There is no limit... ask away!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Vliggity Vlog: The UNseen Footage 2011

With a new year, we have to close out the old... and you know what that means:


These are things that I probably left out for a reason. But we are all friends here, right?!?!?

You don't judge me... Ok, well if you do I would appreciate it if you kept it to yourself!!!!

SO EXCITED about 2012, and I can't wait to take you guys along with me!

There is a lot to look forward to, and this year is all about YOU! I want YOUR input, YOUR questions and YOUR requests! I want you involved.... And I am super stoked to see what magic we can all create together!



Closing the door on 2011!!

With a new year, we have to close out the old... and you know what that means:
These are things that I probably left out for a reason. But we are all friends here, right?!?!?
You don't judge me... Ok, well if you do I would appreciate it if you kept it to yourself!!!!

SO EXCITED about 2012, and I can't wait to take you guys along with me!

There is a lot to look forward to, and this year is all about YOU! I want YOUR input, YOUR questions and YOUR requests! I want you involved.... And I am super stoked to see what magic we can all create together!