Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy 50th Post!!!!

HAPPY 50th POST!!!

Yay! I can't believe it... this is my 50th blog entry in this blog. I realize it doesn't seem like that many, and I look forward to many more, but this is a good reason to celebrate. And I am so excited! 

So I was trying to think of what I should post on the momentous blog and I thought I should maybe tell some jokes. 

"What do you call a man with no arms and no legs laying on the front porch?"




**taps microphone*
"Is this thing on?!?!"

Ok, so as it turns out, I don't know any good jokes, so it seems I am gonna have to come at this from a different angle. Just have to figure out which one...

See this isn't just any old blog post. This is the 50th one.... and I realize in blog years that really isn't that many. But when you just happen to look up one day and realize you have already posted 49 times, it can come as quite the pleasant surprise. However, I was suddenly overcome with this pressure, like I had to make this one the best one yet... and I hope I can live up to my own expectations cause in all honesty, I am probably the only one that is going to read it anyway.  

SO now that I am being serious, I would like to take a few minutes to thank everyone for all of the support that I have been shown over the years. I don't think I am extraordinarily smart or funny; I don't always say or do the right things, and I am terrible at arm wrestling. 
But I care... genuinely and truly from the deepest parts of my heart and soul. 

I actually give a shit!

I want to help people, and make them laugh, and help them find ways to make themselves happy. And I hope that if you are reading this, that at some point, I have been able or will be able to do just that for you. At least a little smile... just one.... You know you want to!

Because I have this theory that one little smile can go all the way around the world. So I go out and try to make one person that I DON'T know... smile, as well as all the people around me. You change one person's day and domino effect begins. All it takes is a little extra effort. This can be applied to pretty much anything, but I am a bit of a hopeless romantic about love and life in general. Even though life has tried to show me otherwise, I stay true to the belief that life is what you make of it. And if we all tried to be happier, then guess what... we would be. And not just ONE of us, but ALL of us. 

I really believe it. We all go through shit. Some people's is worse than other's, but we all have it.  Everyone has had problems, and everyone has worries, but it is how we handle them that changes the outcome. And we have the opportunity DAILY to make those changes. One of my favorite quotes sums it up best:

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.
That's why it is called the PRESENT."
-Master Shifu, Kung Fu Panda

Take advantage of today, because we are not promised tomorrow. But look to the future and be grateful for the things you wish to see in it. And insert a whole bunch of other fortune cookie saying in **here!
No it all sounds very vague, but it kind of has to be. I can't tell you anything about tomorrow. I know what time I have to wake up to be where I need to be, and I know where that place is, but what happens on the drive there, or once I arrive... I only wish I knew. You have the same predicament. The only think I know for sure about MY day is this...
Tomorrow will be even better than today, because I said it is. And I will make it so. 

You have the power to do the same. 

I will end this with a humble thank you. I can't do any of the things I want to in this life without your support. Just the simple act of reading this is amazingly impactful and I am so grateful.  

"Be the change that you want to see in the world."

And you can start... with yours........

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