Monday, November 14, 2011

Be the BEST you... TODAY!!!

This kind of reminds me of the classic line from Talladega Nights, "If you ain't first.... you're last!" 
But nevertheless, I like it because it is true... I have decided that being politically correct only works about half the time, so here is another little motivational ditty...
To me.... this is HILARIOUS!!!!!!! And totally true. "Seize the hell out of this day!"

The only thing that I have to say today is this:
You only have one life.... why the hell would you waste a single day in it. I know that people don't always agree with me, the things that I say and do, or the way I choose to live my life, but I say to them, 
what are YOU doing that is so much better?!?!
If there is a person in this world that can match my level of drive, work ethic, passion, and willingness to learn and want to succeed, I will high five the shit out of them and ask them to be on my team. I might not do things the way I am "supposed" to, or follow the path that everyone else thinks I should, but why would I?

I am me.... You are you! I won't judge you for doing the things that you love, as long as you are doing them 100%.  I don't care if you bag groceries at the store or are the CEO of a multi-million dollar company, but you better OWN that job. I might just be a bartender or a server at a bar while I am getting on my feet, but I am going to work that job like it is paying me the same as the CEO of a major corporation. And for the sheer reason that you never know WHO you are going to meet, or WHAT they can do for you, and every person wants to work with someone who works hard, and keeps a smile on their face while they are doing it.

My recommendation to everyone today is simple.... If you are already at work, come back from lunch and act like you just got a promotion and you have a new standard of work to uphold. If you are about to go to work, walk in like you have been conquering the world all day and you AREN'T stopping now. 

Take every day and make the most out of it....
If you don't, then what is the point of getting out of bed??
Now go out, and BE SOMEBODY!!!!

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