Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fake it till you make it...

The funny thing about feelings is that YOU are the only one that has control over them. You can let someone piss you off or just get over it.  You can become overwhelmed with a situation, or take a deep breath and attack it in full force. You can be depressed that you lost your job and sit around moping about it OR get motivated to get up off your butt and get another one.

A miraculous thing that I have realized, and practiced, over the last few years is "fake it till you make it!".  If I am in a bad mood, I acknowledge that I am in a bad mood and then fake being in a good one. When people ask me how I am doing, I could catalog all the reasons why my day is sooooo shitty, and why I am in a terrible mood, and don't wanna be there, but who is that helping? So, instead, I LIE!!!
"I am fantastic!! How are you??"

Amazingly, that person IMMEDIATELY feels the need to compensate for their mediocre day and cheer up. RINSE & REPEAT! What is even more incredible is that after doing this over and over again, at some point you will look up and realize you are ACTUALLY in a good mood.  You ARE having a fantastic day. Through getting in a habit of this, I have realized that I am the one who determines my mood, and I am the one who gets in the way of it. There is no reason for me to sit and wallow in a pool of my own self pity. So what if I got a phone call that made me a sour puss. How much time is that person worth me being angry?!? 10 minutes? 1 hour? 1 day? 1 week?

Only you can decide how long to hang on to these things, and only you can decide to let them go. The same goes for negative thoughts. Based on the situation I have lined out above, I think you see a pattern in the power of our thoughts. If you want something to happen, then you have to believe that it can.... NO MATTER HOW BIG IT IS! Believing that it is possible, even if it seems unreasonable, is the only way that you will feel confident enough to go after it in the first place. If you say to yourself every day that you are going to get a promotion, and anytime something bad happens at work that distracts from that, you have to SHUT DOWN the negativity and immediately revert back to thinking that you ARE going to get a promotion. And not just thinking it, but truly BELIEVING it.  And I am even willing to take it a step further and say that you need to be thankful for it as if it has already happened!

If you allow room for doubt in your mind, then you allow room for failure in your life!  You cannot question your own value because it will cause others to underestimate your worth!! People perceive you the way that you present yourself, and if you lack faith in yourself, no one else will believe in you!

Take today to think about all the good things about YOU! Think about your ideal life, and the goals and aspirations you would want but are too scared to go for! WRITE THEM DOWN and repeat them every day like a mantra. Carry it in your pocket. Write it on your mirror. Have an alarm remider on your cell phone. Anything that will keep those goals present and in the forefront of your mind, and what you will begin to find is that ,without even knowing it, you have started doing little things to work towards it.  You will look up and be closer to your goals than you thought you would be, and you didn't even realize you were trying.

Now just imagine what would happen if you made a CONSCIOUS effort!!!!

Food for thought!!!!

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